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How To Set Personal Events With Patient Juan

Being a doctor, it is only natural for you to have commitments other than your usual appointments. Nevertheless, these personal events are no less important than your consultations.

Step 1: Open Doctor Calendar

Open your Doctor Calendar by clicking on the “Calendar” button on the main side-navigation.

Step 2: Select Date and Add Event Category

Click the date on the Calendar that you wish to set a personal event on. On the Add Event window, select “Personal” and click “Next.”

Step 3: Add New Personal Event

The New Personal Event window allows you to choose between a “Single Day” or “Multi-Day” event.

Single Day Events

Single Day Events are events that begin and end within the same day. For Single Days events, input the event title, event date, time start and time end.

Multi-Day Events

These types of events are those that span multiple days. When setting multi-day events, the only information needed are the event title, the start date and the end date.

Note: Patient Juan treats multi-day events as all day events.

Step 4: Save Event

After filling up the required fields in Step 3, click the “Save” button and you’re done. The event you made will immediately be posted on your Doctor’s Calendar.

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