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How To Set Appointments With Patient Juan

Setting Appointments within Patient Juan can be done in multiple ways, one of which is through your Doctor’s Calendar.

Step 1: Open Doctor Calendar

Open your Doctor Calendar by clicking on the “Calendar” button on the main side-navigation.

Step 2: Select Date and Add Event Category

Click the date on the Calendar that you wish to set a personal event on. On the Add Event window, select “Appointment” and click “Next.”

Step 3: Select Patient

Select a patient from the Patient List window. If your current patient is not yet recorded in your database, you can easily create new patients by clicking the “Create Patient” button.

Step 4: Add Appointment

After selecting a patient, the Add Appointment window will open. 

You will notice that the Patient and Date fields are prefilled with the name of your patient and the date you selected in the calendar, respectively. The Clinic field also contains the name of the Clinic you are currently in.

If you wish to create an appointment for a different clinic, you will need to switch to another clinic through the main side-navigation.

Step 5: Input Chief Complaint

Input the Chief Complaint of the Patient. If you wish to change the date of the appointment, simply click the Date field and choose a date from the date picker. 

Step 6: Select Time

Select a time for the appointment.

Note: The loaded available times in the appointment window are based on the clinic schedule that you provided in your profile. Patient Juan only allows single appointments per 15 minute interval.

Step 7: Save Appointment

After completing the required fields, click the “Add Appointment” button and you’re done. The appointment you made will be posted on your Doctor’s Calendar immediately.

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