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Using The Lab Results Step In the Consultation Proper

Step 1: Lab Results

The purpose of the Lab Results stage is to attach any Lab Results conducted to the patient to aid the consultation.

Step 2:  Click Add “+” button

To add a lab result, click the “+” icon on the left part of the header.

Step 3: Add Lab Results Card

After clicking the button, a pop up window will display the date, test, and remarks text fields.

Step 4: Select Date

When you click the Date field, a date picker will emerge.

Step 5:  Select Lab Test

The Test field shows suggested options. You can either pick from the preexisting suggestions or manually input the test submitted.

Step 6: Add Lab Test Result

After filling out the desired fields, click on the “Add Lab Result” button to save.

This will automatically show display in the table with their corresponding columns like so.

Step 7: Edit and/or Delete Lab Test Result

You can edit or delete any saved lab results by clicking on the “Action” icon on the right column.

It will then display a dropdown for the “Edit” and “Delete” button.

Step 8: Proceed to Next Stage

After saving, you can click the “Next” button on the bottom right of the screen to proceed to the next stage.

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