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How To Create Discounts With Patient Juan

There are instances when you have to give discounts to your patients. Sometimes, these discounts may even be required by law. To set up discounts for your Patient Juan account, follow these steps.

Step 1: Sign In to Patient Juan

Sign in to your Patient Juan™ account and select any clinic you have.

Step 2: Open Your Account Settings

On Patient Juan™’s top bar, click your name or profile picture at the upper right section of the screen. This will open a dropdown of options for you. Click the “Settings” button.

Step 3: Open the Discounts Settings

On the side-navigation bar of the Settings window, click the “Billing/POS”  menu. Afterward, select “Discounts” from the shown options. This will show you a list of your existing Discounts.

Step 4: Create New Discount

Click the “New Discount” button at the upper right portion of the Discounts window to open the Add Discount Window.

Step 5: Fill Up the Required Fields

On the Discount window, enter the name and value of your new discount. Then, select the type of discount you are making. This type can either be in amount (amt), or in percent (%).

“In amount” discounts will directly reduce your billable amount , while “in percent“ discounts will reduce your billable amount by the set percent for your discount.

Step 6: Save Your New Discount

Finally, click the “Add Discount” button to save your new discount.

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